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Exodus Series 4 - Small Group Leader Notes - 6/2/22

Ali Simpson-Smith

Here are some questions to consider with your small groups, to help them think through the sermon, the scripture and to consider a personal response to what God is saying to them.

  • Read through the passage again – Exodus 14 v 10-22

    • As you consider the reading what are you drawn to?

    • What do you find challenging?

  • Consider the main characters, [Moses, Pharaoh, the Israelites, the Egyptians who realised who the true God is and followed Moses as he called out the Israelites from slavery, the Egyptians chasing after the Israelites with Pharaoh] What do you think might be going on for them?

  • We are often told to situate ourselves in the story and allow ourselves to connect with scripture in heart and mind. Thinking about your own spiritual journey right now who might you identify with most through the reading? Why?

  • Who would you like to identify with most if it isn’t the same person? Why

  • Where would you like to be in the next 6 months on your spiritual journey? How can you get there? (i.e. currently identifying with the Israelites looking back in fear but not sure about trusting God in the next stage – reading scripture, focusing on the promises of God, spending time in prayer to discern next stages, being confident in taking the next steps and trusting God in that)

  • As a small group, what support can you offer one another as you journey towards God and his promises together?



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