I am pleased to announce that Scott Else has joined the team in the newly created role of Director of Discipleship, Leadership Development, and Church Planting. This role is funded under the resourcing church project for the next 4 years. I am so excited to have Scott, he brings a wealth of experience having planted two churches and helped train and develop church planters. It has been a privilege working with Scott through the discernment and interview process and experiencing a strong sense of the call of God into this role. Apart from coming up with a snappier job title (😊) and early task for Scott will be to work with me on what follows ReGroup. See below for more about Scott. You can email Scott here. I am excited to start in the role of Director of Discipleship, Leadership Development and Church Planting at St John's. I have been involved in church leadership for over 30 years including as a volunteer youth worker, preacher, leading two church plants (and supporting other church planters), working for the Diocese of Leicester and for a national Christian Youth Charity. I am passionate about seeing people grow in depth of discipleship, releasing and equipping leaders and seeing God's Kingdom advance through the planting of new communities, evangelism and new ministries being established. I am married to Emma, and we have 3 amazing children who are growing up fast! We have loved being part of the family here at St John's over the last 2 years and I am excited at the opportunity to play my part in the future plans that Jesus has for St John's. If we haven't met properly yet I would love to get to know you !!