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Neil Kendrick

Palm Sunday - Small Group Leader Notes - 10/4/22

Luke 19:28 – 38

‘The Triumphal Entry’ Small Group Bible Study

Read Luke 18:31-34 and Luke 19:28 – 38.

The person of Jesus

The Triumphal Entry starts a week of events unparalleled in human history.

Jesus knows the significance of this journey yet it appears Jesus’ closest followers and the wider crowd misunderstand (a) who Jesus is, and (b) what the future holds for him and them.

  • Re-read Luke 19:36 – 38 alongside the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9-17 and 2 Kings 9:13. Why did the crowd say these words to Jesus and put their coats on the ground? Who did they think Jesus was and what did they think he was going to do?

  • During the period from the Triumphal Entry to Easter Jesus repeatedly said who he was and what he was going to do. Consider the following verses:

    • John 14:6

    • John 15:1, 4

    • John 16:28

    • John 18:37

For claims made prior to the Triumphal Entry, see:

  • John 8:12

  • John 10:9-11

  • John 10:31-33

  • How do the claims of Jesus differ to what the crowd thought or what our current culture values? Do you think Jesus’ exclusive claims are still as relevant today? What does this mean to you?

The followers’ commitment to Jesus

There were various followers in the crowd – those that had followed him for years and known as the Twelve disciples to others who knew him less well. Jesus can be present, prominent, or pre-eminent in our lives.

  • What’s the difference between presence, prominence and pre-eminence? Reflect on Matthew 6:33. What priority is Jesus in your life? If he’s not already, how do you make him the priority he should be?

It’s much easier to follow Jesus when the crowd are shouting “Hosanna” than it is when the crowd are shouting “crucify him”. Within days all his followers had abandoned him. Jesus makes it very clear that following him is not always an easy or comfortable way of life. (It is however worth it - Luke 18:29, 30, John 10:10)!

  • Read Luke 9:23 in various versions. How do we follow Jesus when the going gets tough? What does this mean to you? How do we ensure we don’t drift along with the crowd?

The response of Jesus

Jesus knew even his closest followers didn’t fully grasp who he was or what was to happen. He knew he would be betrayed and abandoned by them. He knew that in Jerusalem he would be flogged and killed, and on the third day would rise again. Yet he still got on the donkey and went to the city.

  • Reflect on the following verses:

    • John 15:13

    • Hebrews 12:2

    • John 12:27

    • Romans 5:8

  • Why did Jesus go to the cross so voluntarily? How do you respond to the unconditional love displayed?

Jesus, knowing fully what his followers were like, still used them in his divine plan of salvation. Two unnamed disciples were tasked with securing the donkey, some laid down coats, others worshipped. All played a part in fulfilling a prophecy that was hundreds of years old (John 12:14, 15). And 2000 years later all Christians can testify to how Jesus has used ordinary and fallible people to bring about his plan of redemption.

  • What part have we got to play in following Jesus? Is there anything specific he is asking of us in order to bring his love and redemption into the world that so desperately needs it?

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